Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year to You!

So we've made our resolutions (well I have anyway) and we're well on our way to a wonderful 2008. Cooper seems like he is really understanding the whole "potty" business and we're working on some preliminary familiarizations. How great would it be if he were all set and trained by the time he was 2! YAHOO! We'll see though-

One of his very favorite things in the whole world is bath time... he especially likes to lay on his belly and kick his feet or fill up a bottle and dump it OUTSIDE the tub... Mommy loves that stunt. Ultimately, I can't decide if his little butt is as cute as his chubby cheeks on his face. Anyway, had to share! Hope this finds you well.

Much Love-



chuck and april said...

cooper is so cute. how is the pregnancy coming along? hope your holidays were great. we had a good time...but time to get back in the swing of things. take care. ape

Erika said...

Both sets of cheeks are pretty cute...I'll agree. I also appreciate his sense of modesty with the whole bottle. :)

Miss you and love you lots.

Betty Kay said...

Yep, definitely looks like child porn to me too, Ryan. But dang cute porn if I say so myself!! Who is he supposed to be with the glasses??

Anonymous said...

what a friggin cute kid...

the sunglasses cheeseball picture is my favorite!!!
