Monday, November 3, 2008

Garbage Day!!!

I think we've figured out what Cooper's chores will consist of... collecting garbage, putting it out and bringing in the empty bins- I'm not sure which he enjoys more... seriously!

Helping daddy get the recycling and garbage together is like the highlight of the week! Then on Monday morning after it's all picked up, we collect the 'yucky buckets' and with such pep in his step too!

Anyway, had to show some of his handy work to all of you!




chuck and april said...

i love that kurtis can take out the garbage and bring up the cans!! one more thing that i don't have to do! cooper is so cute. what a big boy.

Mama Rak said...

Well we all know that Ryan wasn't going to put the cans back anytime soon! Cooper was probably tired of seeing them on the curb constantly.

Mama Rak