Monday, July 21, 2008

Proud Papa-

I have to stick in this proud lil' snap shot of Daddy and baby Chase- I still think he's not sure what to do with him, but is warming up to the idea of two boys - slowly.

I do think there is something different about mommy vs. daddy. I had carried and delivered baby; so by the time Chase is actually here for Ryan to enjoy, I've got more than a head start on him for sure. SO- I suppose I'm willing to give him a bit of time to make that attachment that I've had since day 1... literally.

Til' next posts- take care of you!



Amber said...

I like this photo. Ryan will love it. Don't worry. Just be glad they are boys because FO' SHO' he would NOT know what to do with a GIRL!!!

Erika said...

Although I've attempted to comment multiple times, (it's tough sometimes to do at work when people are making so many requests for me to actually do work!) this is the first actual time I'm getting to it.

Ryan looks like a very proud daddy of two now. I want to say it's a cute picture but realize that is not manly. So I'll refrain. :)

Also, I just got an email indicating there was a blog update. This update is old. Thanks though.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Just want you to know that I enjoy all of the pics and updates on the family. Keep up the good work!
love ya!

Mrclassy said...

I remember this