Sunday, October 21, 2007

I've been sucked in!

I think in my own defense I have to announce that I will officially be shutting down my myspace account in exchange for our family blogspot. It makes me feel like less of a loser :) No seriously, it seems like this allows me to keep up with all my loved ones and for them to keep up with me on their own time, so it just seems to fit. I hope to post happenings and events either as they may happen, or once every two weeks if things stay as mundane as they currently are. I imagine I will be the sole poster, although Ryan has taken a liking to blogs and might find this as some sort of forum to allow us all to "soak him in". Lucky readers!

First and foremost our most excited news to share is that I am pregnant! More details to follow (like the EXACT due date) but for now, we're guessing it's 4th of July or so. We couldn't be happier and can't wait for the new addition to the family.

That's all for now, not much else to report- Work is as usual at Beaches for me and with Ryan's business for him. Enjoy the pics! Til' next time-


Erika said...

Welcome to blogging happiness...just a little FYI--you can put pictures and text in the same post.

I will check often (maybe not daily like Ryan) to see your updates!

Mama Rak said...

Welcome fellow bloggers! Be forewarned....kind of addicting....

Anonymous said...


you are so eloquent. really, you are very colorful, and tell a great story with words. i envy that. your blog is super cute. i hope to have one up soon also. love you lots amber. brandie