Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome Back!

To the land of the living that is! No pics to present, and very few stories; except for those laced with mucus and near death choking episodes. Sadly, Cooper and I both have been pretty darn sick the last week! (And I mean all day every day for a whole friggin' week!) He seems to be on the mend and his spirits have been good for some time now, so that's really what counts. As for me, I'm happy to report I finally got my voice back this weekend- yah, me... no talking! WHAT HELL!

Anyway, I hope this is the last of things for me for a while. Seriously, I think during this pregnancy I have been more sick than I have been in my entire life combined... what's up with that? Kids are already sucking the life out of me... LOL!

We did get a lot done this weekend though- Ryan put together Cooper's big boy bunk bed, we ordered the firetrucks quilt to go atop, put together the outdoor wrought iron clock and pillar for climbing vines and set up our new dinner table. So alas, even though we were trapped indoors, it didn't stop us from finishing up some odd jobs and tidying up tasks.

Will post pics next time- Hope this finds you well-

1 comment:

Erika said...

Sweet! Do I get top or bottom bed on Coopie's new bunk bed when I come visit next month? :)