Saturday, February 23, 2008

Up for your thoughts- As always

So... after MUCH contemplation I've decided to post my private thoughts on this public blog to get feedback from my friends and family. I guess I had a very "grateful" week and am in that mode where I'm thankful for the car I have to drive, my wonderful family, incredible friends (you know who you are!) and alas, the roof over my head. Which brings to surface my purpose in writing.

I'll be as brief as I know how to be- which is not very...

I think we should NOT move. I think we should take our house off the market and not sell. I recognize this seems rash and impulsive, but for me it really isn't. If anyone knows, we are moving because Ryan has decided it is a necessity, and like he has done soooo many times for me in the past, I'm choosing to support him 100%. (Don't get me wrong, a new house is awesome and always welcomed... who doens't want new pretty things?) Anyway, I guess I just feel like we need to be thankful for what we already have rather than always wanting something bigger and better when what we have currently suites our needs just fine. I did talk to Ryan about my thoughts and strangely (in not so many words) I think he agrees... what? The fact of the matter is this: We don't HAVE to move, we just want to. In a market like this, I just think it may be foolish and not clearly weighed out. I mean really, we've got Chase joining the family in about 3 1/2 months, I don't want to have to ship Ripley off to my mom and dads (which they have so graciously accepted him into their lives based on our need) and I don't want to impose on Ryans mom and dad who so incredibly generously will let us just move right in! I mean we would be literally shoving them out of almost 2/3 of their own house! As a side note, I'm sure Cooper would LOVE living with his Nana and Bapa!

To top it all off, I just have a somewhat sinking feeling that this whole business with the lot/land that we offered on, is just not going to pan out. It's that time old saying of "if it's meant to be it'll happen"... well, I know it's only been a month but things are really, seriously not happening.

Here are some facts- Average market time for a house 95 days, average lookers 2 per week! We've had 2 in 1 month. Granted we did have an offer, but it may as well have been no offer at all. The fact is, the timing is bad and I think we just really put the cart before the horse on his one.

So that's the jist- does anyone think I'm crazy or finally starting to make sense?

With humility-


Anonymous said...


Of course we all want to be very supportive of your new adventures, but I truely believe that you will be a lot happier not taking on the added stress that you were about to endure. I think your decision to stay for awhile will prove to be the best decision for you and your expanding family. And if that perfect offer shows up tomorrow, well then you know it was meant to be. love you! Alison

Betty Kay said...

I am just absolutley speechless, Ambs!! All of your thoughts are exactly what I was thinking in the first place when you said you were going to put your house on the market for no really good reason at all. All, I can say is thank you for being humbled and coming to your senses.

Erika said...

Sounds like you've got it figured out sister! And you don't sound crazy at all...just sane, finally. :)

Amber said...

Many choices in life are between 2 good things. Go with your gut. If you choose to take your house off the market it would be helpful if you agree not to revisit the idea over and over again. Don't live in a state of indecision.

Anonymous said...

Personally when I heard you were going to sell your house I thought you were crazy. I believe that Janene and I were very fortunate to get the deal on the home that we did. Right now the market is crazy it seems to me that it is only really suited to this with loads of cash to spend on homes that they can sit on for when the market improves. Banks and lenders are bleeding money right now because they got greedy and thought they could convince all these buyers to go with an ARM. I don't think they ever thought that most of the buyers when they could'nt pay their exorbitant fees for their loans just said "oh well" shrugged their shoulders and let the home foreclose. Sooner or later the banks are going to be sitting on loads of homes and no one to sell them to. I think very few people now are really in the market to buy unless the seller is willing to just sign over the house and move out for next to nothing. Just my humble opinion. Staying in your house right now will probably be the best thing and who knows it may be even more financially lucrative when the market stabilizes again. Right now I think the economy is self-destructing. Hopefully things will not get as bad as they were during the Great Depression. But its hard to say when the American population is so heavily in debt with credit cards and all the massive overspeculation on real estate. Money for nothing always eventually becomes nothing.
